Obviously, we can criticize the impact that new technologies have on our lives, and that big corporations are making huge money on us because they managed to make us need their products. That's something. But now let's look at the bright side, specially focusing on smartphones.
As this Samsung add says for its new smartphone, it's kind of a 'life companion'. First, we're going to put apart the marketing idea conveyed in this expression, and ask ourselves : why do they say it ?
The first aspect is the most obvious one, and it is the fact that you ALWAYS, no matter what, have your mobile phone with you. Seen by a modern and materialistic point of view, it makes of it kind of a life companion, that follows you everywhere.
But one thing is clear, a phone nowadays is way more that a phone. The number of characteristics of a smartphone has increased considerably since the last 5 years. Who knew that one day a telephone could also be a instantaneous mail deliverer ? We don't seem to realize but this thing is totally revolutionary ! The pigeon thing was not doable after all...
Then came the radio integrated, but we all know that no used it very much, and it consumes too much of the battery life.
The camera, oh sweet lord, the camera. We all remember how badly we wanted one of those phones that had the first cameras ! For sure, the quality was really poor, but now some phones can make some really good pictures, with multiple effects, and 'scenes' that optimize the use of the camera. It is true that many persons don't have a classic compact camera because of their iPhone's or Samsung's. Now, we can take photos and videos of every instant of our life we want, such as concerts, promenades at the park, parties with friends, or even the famous 'selfies' that consist on taking a picture of ourselves and posting it on social media pages.
All kind of applications appeared for the tiny screen of a phone such as Facebook, YouTube, The Times and countless more. This makes us have all kinds of accesses to the things we used to do on computers. Now we can make a video conference through the wireless internet connection without being home, and read the newspaper in the metro while going to school. We can even share our boredom on Facebook while endless classes at school ! (But shhh ! It's a secret !)
By the way, some schools are now trying to integrate tablets and/or smartphones into classes for educational uses. Some applications are being created for teaching, with exercises integrated and all the stuff. I don't really know what to think about that but let's say its a good thing because this essay is about the good things of new technologies...
Anyways, what used to be the good old red dialed phone is now something completely different. Thanks to the internet connection included on smartphones, the number of information and resources included is infinite. Our lives are definitely easier concerning communication and information thanks to smartphones. Thanks Samsung for giving us this unique chance of having a TRUE life companion !